"If you have children at home and work, you know that the work always be a little difficult.
You have deadlines for work, but have two toddlers arguing, or a baby that needs to be fed.
So what to do to ensure that everything is being done? A child while working at home can be difficult.
When I first started working from home, my youngest was one and a half, and was no longer using a bottle.
However, she was a child up age of two years.
You really need to have dedication to both your children and work to get everything accomplished that needs to be. If you have a regular job outside the home, more than likely that you are with this unique situation that you need to take care of a child and run a cash register or sitting in a board meeting at the same time are presented. Although I never had to do it, I would recommend having someone help you out with your younger child while you work.
It may seem strange, a baby-sitter at your home, even if it, but they are responsible with your work and. And a sitter can come in maybe just in the mornings, or whatever your busiest time is in the day while you are working for a couple of hours. I also have two children, about 24 months away.
Some days are better than others, but sometimes we get arguing over a favorite toy.
Here are some tips that I recommend that you while you work at home, the older children (or children) occupied - available to the toy. For example, keep a toy bin in your office that they can just grab what they want. Have crayons and paper available to them. My kids are a bit older and I have a pretty big box full of ""crafty"" things that they can use with very little supervision from me (like glue, stickers, scissors, markers,
finger paints, glitter - but I don't recommend letting younger children play with some of this stuff of course).
- Walk out - invest in a laptop, so that you can work outside and have your children some # 39 to run away; energy! Working at home with children can be challenging, but should not be.
It is important to stay organized, and practically be ready for anything.
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